Monday, April 13, 2009

Busting undercovers

I was on surveillance at a very popular tourist destination. While you can imagine many people walking around with cameras, would you believe that undercover security agents managed to stand out more than "suspicious subjetcs"?

What happened was that I observed 2 undercover security agents "spotting me" while I had already figured out who they were. How embarassing for them. I had to end the ridiculous chase. They didn't look like tourists really and were doing everything cliche undercovers do. Well then, of course you'll stand out like that!

When I approached them, they insisted that I, a single 30 something guy with a video camera, dressed in shorts and wearing sunglasses was suspicious. OOOhhh.. I told them: "Now, let's take a moment and look at you: 2 ladies walking around separately, with no direction, watching people continuously, with belly pouches where they carry all their gear, all alone. You ladies look suspicious and I was able to identify you! How embarassing is that?"

They didn't know what to say. Thank goodness, work was done and nothing was jeopardized.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Spouse going out of town?

Is you spouse travelling out of town to attend a conference?

Many times, people need to attend conferences or training sessions that are held in another city, state or even country.

How secure are you that your relationship is stable, 100% real and free of any resentments?

How sure are you that "out of sight is out of mind" does NOT apply to your relationship?

Now, I don't want to scare you. I don't want to make you paranoid. I just want to alert you about someting you might already know.

Out of town conferences, in my experience, pose a lot of emotional stress on spouses who stay back in town. If the realtionship is not going well, and if there is actually a known affair happening, out of town conferences are the perfect scenario for those to materialize more.

Again, for peace of mind, sometimes you just have to know.

All depends on what type of relationship you have with your partner. Analyze that first before jumping to ANY conclusions or making wrong assumptions that will drive you crazy. Sometimes, it really is all in your head.

This post is to give you a heads-up. If you need to share it with someone, please do so carefully.

Thursday, April 2, 2009


The busy life of a P.I. makes it sometimes hard to update blog postings. Nowadays, technology is so great, that one can have wireless connection in their car. Wow...That should help me with blogging, but, on the other hand, I cannot complain about work having been busy...

Talking about busy....sometimes a cheating partner becomes busy "all of a sudden". This is noticeable when he/she doesn't have a history of beng in the social scene with friends too often, or even wanting to go out after work, or staying longer at work. Notice that, many times, busyness can mean something. Now, I'm not trying to influence your 6th sense, but it is something that can hint towards a cheating partner.

Is the sudden busyness accompanied by extreme grooming, wardrobe updates, new cologne or perfume and even more trips to the gym than usual?

You know your partner best. Therefore, only you can judge if an added, sudden busyness exists.

Just a thought..