Thursday, April 2, 2009


The busy life of a P.I. makes it sometimes hard to update blog postings. Nowadays, technology is so great, that one can have wireless connection in their car. Wow...That should help me with blogging, but, on the other hand, I cannot complain about work having been busy...

Talking about busy....sometimes a cheating partner becomes busy "all of a sudden". This is noticeable when he/she doesn't have a history of beng in the social scene with friends too often, or even wanting to go out after work, or staying longer at work. Notice that, many times, busyness can mean something. Now, I'm not trying to influence your 6th sense, but it is something that can hint towards a cheating partner.

Is the sudden busyness accompanied by extreme grooming, wardrobe updates, new cologne or perfume and even more trips to the gym than usual?

You know your partner best. Therefore, only you can judge if an added, sudden busyness exists.

Just a thought..

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